5 study hacks for effective revision!
27 April 2018

You’re so close to boxing up this year’s study notes but there’s just one last push to get those exams over and done with before you can put your feet up and enjoy the beer gardens (we’ve got our fingers crossed for some more sunshine by the way!).
In the mean time we’ve put a short list of tricks together that will hopefully make the next few weeks that little bit easier for you. Some of these may seem obvious but you’ll be surprised how effective they can be in helping you to prepare for those dreaded exams!
1) Get some good night’s sleep!
We get that university life is about having fun and going out with new friends, but those pubs will still be here after your exams have finished! Scientific studies suggest that a good night’s sleep helps our bodies to process and retain information (such as those really important lectures you had that day). If you’re not getting a good night’s sleep you’re also more likely to make errors and have lack of concentration.

2) Turn your TV and phone off and close down social media pages
This is a tough one and takes a serious level of self-control! These are some of the biggest procrastination problems that students experience, and once you’re distracted that’s it! Don’t use the ‘just 1 more episode of Love Island, then I’ll start’ because you very well know 5 episodes later the laptop will still be closed. Set yourself work time frames, work for 50 minutes then have half an hour break (breaks are really important to make sure your concentration levels are kept high and to prevent tiredness). There is actually an app called ‘SelfControl’ which will allow you to choose websites that you can temporarily block yourself from going on, e.g FACEBOOK!

3) Choose the right study music
Following on from the point above, music can be a distraction if it’s not the right music, but it can also help productivity if it’s right! It may not be your thing and you don’t particularly have to enjoy it but classical music is one of the best genre’s to listen to whilst you are studying. If you really don’t fancy that then create a playlist of your favourite songs so you don’t find yourself searching for songs to play. You can also set the playlist for the 50 minutes you intend to work then have your break once the playlist finishes.
4) Use diagrams, mental associations and post it notes!
Diagrams can be a really effective tool in helping you to visually remember information. You can learn key words by drawing a picture that may be associated with that word and stick it on post it notes around your room! A great website to use is https://www.goconqr.com/ on here you can create your own quizzes, flashcards and mind maps! Mind Maps are also a great visual tool and utilise colours to help you remember certain bits.

5) Get yourself a study buddy!
This is a great way to practice what you have learnt! Get your friend to ask you questions about what you have revised to check your memory and knowledge! If you get the answer right, they have to buy you a drink, if you get it wrong you have to buy them a drink! Sounds fair right? If you have a presentation coming up aswell this would be the perfect opportunity to practise to an audience.
For those who are struggling we hope these tips help. There are many other ways you can make your revision time more productive and it is about what works best for you!
We wish you luck! :-)