Be Festival Ready
22 June 2016
Top tips and hacks for being festival ready this summer!
In light of thousands of people flocking to Glastonbury this weekend, we thought we’d put together some top tips for ensuring you’re festival ready, come rain or shine (probably rain, sorry) for any festival this summer.
- Wet wipes
With a good chance of mud and an almost zero chance of a shower, wet wipes will be your best friend for staying (relatively) fresh whilst camping, dancing and generally having a great time.
- Phone charger
There are little to no plug sockets in a field, so take a portable charging device or even a solar powered one to last you the entire trip.
- Dry clothes
Wrap up all, or at least some, clothes in plastic bags so that you can have a dry outfit stashed away should you need it.
- Torch
You won’t want to waste your time rummaging around in the dark for your best disco pants and fancy dress hat, so be sure to take a torch loaded with new batteries. “But I have my phone!?” we hear you cry. Trust us, you’ll be better off saving the battery. Even better, take a head torch and be the envy of all those tripping over tent pegs of a night.
- Get there early
Simple. Get there early and you’ll have a better chance of securing the best spot to pitch your tent. Avoid areas at the bottom of hill in case it floods and try not to be too close or too far from the main area. Be aware of being too close to a footpath too, it’ll be a lot noisier throughout.
- Sandwich bags
No, we’re not expecting you to pack 4 days’ worth of packed lunches. Sandwich bags that seal at the top are a great way to store money, your phone and generally any valuables that you wouldn’t want getting wet or covered in mud.
- Rest easy
Don’t bother taking a huge pillow, but do bother taking a pillow case. You can stuff the case with some clothes and voila!
- Know your surroundings
Pick a good meeting spot where you and your friends can go should you get split up and at least one of you has no battery on their phone left. It’s also a good idea to know where your closest toilets are.
- Stay hydrated
Whether it's sizzling hot or you're camping out right near the front of the stage for hours to see your favourite band, make sure to take some water with you to keep you hydrated.
- Don't get burnt
You may not think it's possible and be prepped more for rain, but even a little bit of sunshine can burn you when you're out in it all day with no shade. Pack the sun cream and protect yourself with that lovely SPF.